
Online Streaming Content isn't showing

If the Online Streaming Content isn’t showing on your browser, please disable any extensions that might be preventing third party content from displaying (ad blockers, privacy extensions, etc).

Why aren’t my videos loading/Why did my videos disconnect?

1.) Rarely, connection exhaustion will occur between the streaming host and your computer.  This is most likely to happen late in the day, when you have been streaming for several hours.  You can solve this problem simply by:

  • Restarting your computer, or
  • Clearing the cache in your web browser’s history setting, or
  • Switching to a different web browser, e.g. Google Chrome, Firefox, etc.

2.) A few students have reported occasions when they have had difficulty moving from one video to the next.  One video will complete, but the next video will remain unresponsive when you click on it to continue.  We have not yet identified the underlying cause, but simply refreshing the web page will restore normal function and you will be able to play any video.

Where do I access the extra content? (Pharmacology, Online Streaming Videos, DRT)

To access your supplemental materials, find Content List on the upper right-hand corner and select View. You will have access for 3 months following the last day of your course (not including review day).

If you are still experiencing technical difficulties, please contact us at with your full name, a brief description, and a return phone number and someone will get in touch with you as soon as possible.  Oh Online Streaming Course days, phone support is available during the following hours:

Course days
Monday - Friday

4:30AM-7:30AM PDT 323-609-3940
7:30AM-3:30PM PDT 323-966-5877

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